
How do you remove dark spots from your face

How do you remove dark spots from your face : Best homemade recipe for skin

The black dots on the face of the Scientific - comedones. It will clog the pores on your face which accumulated fat, sebum, dead skin particles. Black dots (comedones) are at all the people who they are big and they can clearly see someone that they are less. Try to use less foundation, face powder and other cosmetics - it clogs pores on delicate face. Unhealthy lifestyle also affects the appearance of blackheads on the face. Because of the alcohol, smoking and bad eating the skin loses its elasticity and becomes lax, there are black spots and pimples on the face and neck. If properly care for your skin, then you have problems. For example you use cream or Lotion which do not suit you.

How do you remove dark spots on your face

Well, then I will give a couple of recipes that have to deal with black spots on the face.
These recipes will help you get rid of blackheads. For a start, remember, you need a good clean face in the morning and at night before going to bed, just wash your face with soap and water or wipe with a light lotion - it will really help reduce the surprising number of black dots. You can also wipe the face with a slice of lemon and 1-2 minutes to wash off the juice from the skin with cool water. Attention ! If you use lemon - do not need long to keep the juice on your face, it can dry up your skin! Keep 1 or 2 minutes, no longer need. Such a procedure I recommend to do in a day, but not every day. There is another great recipe. It is necessary to steam your face and use a scrub. Now more: first prepare all the ingredients, and then begin the procedure. We will need to scrub the material, it will be ground coffee (which you already brewed). Take a tablespoon of ground coffee used, and add one or two tablespoons of sour cream or yogurt, mix well - our scrub is ready! Now steam the skin, for that pour into the pan 1 liter of clean water, add back one tablespoon of baking soda, and finely narezhte 1 potato, put a on fire, bring to the boil and simmer
for another 5 minutes. While the pan heats Prepare the place where you will be doing this procedure, prepare a stand for hot pots, a large towel or small blanket and our cooked scrub (which would have everything at hand). When our broth is ready, put a in front of him, cover with a towel and keep your face over a pan of 25-35 centimeters, carefully not to burn! By the way, this broth inhaler great for your lungs, nose and throat! You need to steam the face for 10-15 minutes. After unsoldering apply a scrub on your face and very gently pressing do not light circular movements. Attention! Do gentle movement, as supple skin is very delicate and easily damaged scrub. After that, wash your face with warm water and wipe the non alcohol lotion. That's it! :) Be beautiful!

Good luck!
Remain beautiful!
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