
Best facial mask for oily skin - oatmeal, apple and honey

Best facial mask for oily skin - oatmeal, apple and honey | Best homemade recipe for skin
Part 4. Very often we are faced with such troubles as: skin peeling, redness, skin irregularities, various inflammation. Us, it is always frustrating when we look in the mirror and see there it is. But the biggest problem - it's oily skin. This type of skin as well as distributed and dry skin. If you have oily skin, if you put a light make-up - in a couple of minutes a person starts to shine. This is a real problem, but in this article I will tell you how you can do something! I think that no one will want to powder the nose every five minutes at the most fun party, so you can all lost :)

Buying the most expensive cosmetics, you do not always achieve a positive result. I suggest using simple products that are always at hand. This proven ways and they always come to the rescue in an emergency!

Best facial mask for oily skin - oatmeal, apple and honey

These products are always at hand, so we can easily make a great facial mask for oily skin. The combination of the mask of oatmeal and apple is very useful. It's a great way to cope with the increased fat content of the skin. The recipe is simple: chopped apple into mush mixed with 1 tbsp honey and a cup of oatmeal. At the pre- cleansed face impose a thick layer of the mixture and rest 15 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water and enjoy the fresh, soft skin.

Good luck!
Remain beautiful!
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