
Best facial mask for oily skin - strawberries

Best facial mask for oily skin - strawberries | Best homemade recipe for skin
Best facial mask for oily skin - almonds | Best homemade recipe for skin
Best facial mask for oily skin - strawberriesPart 2. Very often we are faced with such troubles as: skin peeling, redness, skin irregularities, various inflammation. Us, it is always frustrating when we look in the mirror and see there it is. But the biggest problem - it's oily skin. This type of skin as well as distributed and dry skin. If you have oily skin, if you put a light make-up - in a couple of minutes a person starts to shine. This is a real problem, but in this article I will tell you how you can do something! I think that no one will want to powder the nose every five minutes at the most fun party, so you can all lost :)

Buying the most expensive cosmetics, you do not always achieve a positive result. I suggest using simple products that are always at hand. This proven ways and they always come to the rescue in an emergency!

Best facial mask for oily skin - strawberries

Winter is problematic make strawberry mask, even if it is sold at the store, the price is much higher in the winter and it's a little frustrating, but there is always a way out. I advise you to freeze strawberries in the summer, when it is available and the price and quantity :) This is a great solution!
Take 100 grams of strawberries, mash it with a fork until mushy state, add two teaspoons of butter. Stir to form a cream. Done! Can now be applied to the face. Prior to application it is desirable to wash with soap and water, or clean the skin with a light losenom that would remove surface contamination of the skin. Apply the pulp on your face and keep 10 minutes. This mask is very good uspakaivaet oily skin, making it soft and reduces sebum. Rinse with warm water from a strawberry. Now you can apply make-up of any difficulty, your skin will not be long shiny and distract you from the live parties or business meetings :)

Good luck!
Remain beautiful!
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